ASSW2023 session: EU-PolarNet 2: advancing European Polar research strategies

8:10-10:00 at Universität Wien

EU-PolarNet 2 is an EU project funded in Horizon 2020. It is composed of 25 partners representing all European Member States and Associated Countries with well-established Polar Programmes. The objective of EU-PolarNet 2 is to provide a platform to co-develop strategies to advance the European polar research action and its contribution to the policy-making processes.

Five science White Papers and an Integrated European Polar Research Programme (EPRP) have been developed in EU-PolarNet 1, based on stakeholder input and societal needs. In EU-PolarNet 2, we build on these documents by discussing with stake-and rights holders which research needs are currently the highest priority. We are involving the entire European research community and gathering "bottom-up" ideas for the research prioritisation process. Through this, we want to specify the most important societally relevant topics of polar research defined in the EPRP, in the White Papers and in European polar strategies, in order to finally develop polar research actions that are coordinated and prioritised across Europe.

In this session we aim for an open discussion on this research prioritisation process. There will be short presentations to explain the framework and ample time for discussions.

Note: For open, hybrid meetings, attendees will be able to access links to the meetings via special website set up by ASSW2023. Please check

A detailed session agenda & speakers information will follow shortly.


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