European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) Strategy 2023-2027 launch

10:00 CET at ONLINE

On 2 March 2023 at 10:00 CET, at the online launch event, the new EOOS Strategy and Roadmap for Implementation 2023-2027 will be presented and discussed by members of the European ocean community. Be part of those discussions and invite your country's ocean-observing community, stakeholders, and high-level decision-makers to join this two-hour event!

Europe needs strong and connected ocean-observing capacities to understand, benefit from and respond to the dynamic ocean environment that is essential for life on Earth, especially in the face of ongoing climate change and its implications for European societies. By synergistically federating and further developing its ocean observation capabilities as the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS), Europe will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of efforts to understand its ocean, seas and coastal waters and to support the development of services and products for the society.

More information and the agenda can be found here, and you can register by clicking this link.


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