SO-CHIC Webinar: Upper ocean ventilation pathways (Work package 2)

15:00 CET (14:00 GMT) at Online

We are excited to announce that the next SO-CHIC Webinar: Upper ocean ventilation pathways (Work package 2) will take place on 12th January 2024 at 15:00 CET (14:00 GMT) online. You can now register for the webinar here.

This webinar will feature talks by four of WP2's researchers explaining WP2's goals, the current research being conducted, and recent results.

The webinar is hosted and coordinated by the European Polar Board, in conjunction with WP2 leads, Dr. Alexander Brearley of the British Antarctic Survey and Prof. David Marshall of the University of Oxford.

Webinar registration:

A recording of the webinar will be publicly available on the SO-CHIC

YouTube channel afterwards:


Forthcoming Events