Governing and protecting the Antarctic and Southern Ocean (Webinar): NEW DATE
Governing and protecting the Antarctic and Southern Ocean (Webinar): NEW DATE
EU-PolarNet 2 and the European Polar Board co-organise a webinar " Governing and protecting the Antarctic and Southern Ocean" taking place on 15 May 2023 at 14:00 CET (the webinar has been postponed s...
ArcticHubs spring newsletter 🌷 2023
ArcticHubs spring newsletter 🌷 2023
Welcome to the Spring edition of our newsletter! It’s been a busy period for ArcticHubs research. This has aligned nicely with the annual season of regional events, allowing us to share our insights t...
Call for applications: Sharing Circle for Early Career Professionals and Arctic Youth
Call for applications: Sharing Circle for Early Career Professionals and Arctic Youth
The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists ( APECS) and the EU Project Arctic PASSION are delighted to announce the call for applications for the Sharing Circle for Early Career Professionals an...
Call for Nominations: 2023 Arctic Academic Action Award
Call for Nominations: 2023 Arctic Academic Action Award
Nominations are now open for the 2023 Frederik Paulsen Arctic Academic Action Award. The goal is to further the development of new ideas that could contribute materially to preventing, mitigating, ada...
Not just the Polar Bear or Penguins - Biodiversity in the Polar Regions
Not just the Polar Bear or Penguins - Biodiversity in the Polar Regions
The National Museum of Natural History in Luxembourg is hosting an exhibition “Impact. La biodiversité en questions” designed and produced by the Museum of Toulouse from 7th of October 2022 to 16th of...
Webinar: "Permafrost Research: current activity and future needs", 21 March 2023, 11:00 CET
Webinar: "Permafrost Research: current activity and future needs", 21 March 2023, 11:00 CET
The permafrost webinar will provide an overview of EU Arctic permafrost research activities, current fields of study and future research needs in a policy relevant context.  Our three presenters will ...
SO-CHIC Webinar: Data management and connection to climate services (WP7)
SO-CHIC Webinar: Data management and connection to climate services (WP7)
SO-CHIC (Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate) is an EU-funded project with the aim to unlock understanding of some of the key Southern Ocean processes, which represent the main limitation...
Looking for the perfect location for your fieldwork? INTERACT GIS enables you to search for research stations relevant to your specific research interests in arctic, boreal and alpine regions. INTERAC...
Webinar on 'Working with SAON ROADS and SAVs', 15 February 2023
Working with SAON ROADS and Shared Arctic Variables Hosted by the Arctic Observing Summit Wednesday, February 15 6:00 AKST / 10:00 EST / 15:00 UTC / 16:00 CET Join us for a webinar on the Roadmap for ...
Rewarding knowledge sharing session at the Arctic Frontiers 2023
Rewarding knowledge sharing session at the Arctic Frontiers 2023
Another strong step in an emerging EU Polar Cluster ‘action group’ of researchers & projects in the Arctic. ❄️ CHARTER, JUSTNORTH, ArcticHubs & Arctic PASSION held a rewarding knowledge sharing sessio...
Policy Briefing "Arctic Biodiversity, climate and food security"
Policy Briefing "Arctic Biodiversity, climate and food security"
FACE-IT, ECOTIP and CHARTER, the three Horizon 2020 projects working on Arctic biodiversity and ice loss are conducting a policy briefing on 15 March 2023, 2 pm, in Brussels. We will be joined by the ...
PEAR Global Mapping Project - Survey invitation
PEAR Global Mapping Project - Survey invitation
Participate in a global mapping survey of public engagement activities and needs in relation to the Antarctic and Southern Ocean (ASO) region and help to SCAR PEAR group (Scientific Committee for Anta...
The first Arctic strategy of the University of Oulu
The first Arctic strategy of the University of Oulu
The University of Oulu announced its first Arctic strategy on January 24, 2023. The University of Oulu is one of the most significant multidisciplinary universities studying the northern regions of th...
Polar Research Communications Meeting
Polar Research Communications Meeting
The EU Polar Cluster invites everyone interested in communications to #ASSW23 : Polar Research Communications Meeting, co-organised by the EPB and EU PolarNet 2. In addition to the EU Polar Cluster Co...
EU-PolarNet 2 quarterly newsletter January 2023 edition out now!
EU-PolarNet 2 quarterly newsletter January 2023 edition out now!
Check out the January edition of the quarterly EU-PolarNet 2 newsletter, which has just been released! Topics include: project news EU Polar Cluster news polar research highlights upcoming events You ...
SO-CHIC Webinar: Impact on the coupled climate system
SO-CHIC Webinar: Impact on the coupled climate system
Another Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate (SO-CHIC) webinar dedicated to Impact on the coupled climate system - Work package 5, taking place on 31 January 2023 at 14:30 CET (GMT+1). Ple...
EU-PolarNet 2 session at ASSW2023: advancing European Polar research strategies
EU-PolarNet 2 session at ASSW2023: advancing European Polar research strategies
ID:49 - EU-PolarNet 2: advancing European Polar research strategies 21 February 2023 | 08:30 - 10:00 (GMT+1) Open Session - HYBRID ( For open, hybrid meetings, attendees will be able to access links t...
EU Polar Cluster Community Meeting (EUROPEAN COORDINATION OF POLAR RESEARCH) at ASSW2023 on 18 February 2023, 14:00 CET
EU Polar Cluster Community Meeting (EUROPEAN COORDINATION OF POLAR RESEARCH) at ASSW2023 on 18 February 2023, 14:00 CET
The EU Polar Cluster invites all Cluster members and anyone interested in learning more about the EU Polar Cluster to this community meeting at ASSW2023, called EUROPEAN COORDINATION OF POLAR RESEARCH...
INTERACT TA User Community Meeting on February 20th at ASSW2023
INTERACT TA User Community Meeting on February 20th at ASSW2023
You are welcome to join the meeting of the INTERACT TA User Community entitled “INTERACT Transnational, Remote and Virtual Access: The past, the present and the future”, taking place on the Business a...
ArcticHubs winter newsletter ❄️ 2022-23
ArcticHubs winter newsletter ❄️ 2022-23
During the second half of the year, ArcticHubs has been building on the strong base of research results generated by one of our research team (WP1). These initial results reporting on key global drive...
Applications for the Antarctic Science International Bursary are now open!
Applications for the Antarctic Science International Bursary are now open!
For ECRs, working in any field of Antarctic science and from any country. Grants of up to ÂŁ6000 to extend the scope of an existing research project. Application Deadline: 17th March 2023. To help pote...
Recordings of "The Future of Research Infrastructure in the Arctic" now available!
Recordings of "The Future of Research Infrastructure in the Arctic" now available!
What does the future of research infrastructure in the Arctic look like and what are the possible solutions to the new challenges? These and further topics were discussed in talks and panel discussion...
SIOS−Planet cooperation project proposal call to demonstrate the usability of high-resolution Planet data in the Arctic.
SIOS, in cooperation with Planet, will open a call for proposals to demonstrate the usability of high-resolution data in Svalbard on 2nd of January 2022. This call of proposals is to provide free acce...
Joint business meeting of FACE-IT, ECOTIP and CHARTER at ASSW2023
Joint business meeting of FACE-IT, ECOTIP and CHARTER at ASSW2023
The three "sibling projects" FACE-IT, ECOTIP and CHARTER will meet internally at the Arctic Science Summit Week 2023 in Vienna on 20 February 2023 from 14:00 - 18:00. The meeting "The changing cryosph...
Joint session on "Shifting trophic networks along the Arctic land-coast-ocean continuum" of FACE-IT, ECOTIP and CHARTER at ASSW2023
Joint session on "Shifting trophic networks along the Arctic land-coast-ocean continuum" of FACE-IT, ECOTIP and CHARTER at ASSW2023
The three cluster projects working on biodiversity in connection with cryosphere loss, FACE-IT, ECOTIP and CHARTER, will host a joint session at the Arctic Science Summit Week 2023 in Vienna. The coor...
The largest public consultation ever held on the past, present and future of the EU’s Horizon research and innovation programmes 2014-2027
The largest public consultation ever held on the past, present and future of the EU’s Horizon research and innovation programmes 2014-2027
On 1st of December, the European Commission launched the largest public consultation ever held on the past, present and future of the EU’s Horizon research and innovation programmes 2014-2027. In line...
ARICE-PONANT call for ship-time proposals ANTARCTIC-2023-2024 is now open!
ARICE-PONANT call for ship-time proposals ANTARCTIC-2023-2024 is now open!
📢 ARICE - PONANT call for ship-time proposals to access the Polar Expedition Ship “Le Commandant Charcot” in the Southern Ocean in the Antarctic season 2023 – 2024 and beyond is now OPEN! Proposals a...
Governing and protecting the Antarctic and Southern Ocean (Webinar)
EU-PolarNet 2 and the European Polar Board co-organise a webinar " Governing and protecting the Antarctic and Southern Ocean" taking place on 15 December 2022 at 15:00 CET. The webinar will give an ov...
SO-CHIC Webinar: Variability and trends of heat, carbon uptake and storage (WP6)
SO-CHIC Webinar: Variability and trends of heat, carbon uptake and storage (WP6)
The webinar is hosted and coordinated by the European Polar Board, in conjunction with WP6 leads, Prof. Dr. N Gruber (ETH Zurich), Prof. Dr. T Kanzow (Alfred Wegener Institute) discussing Variability ...
Call for speakers 2023: Climatecoffees, a knowledge exchange series!
Call for speakers 2023: Climatecoffees, a knowledge exchange series!
#climatecoffees are short (circa 40 min), relaxed meetings for scientists to share ideas, discuss methods and communicate new results. They are open to speakers of all levels of seniority, we especial...
APECS and INTERACT launch a guidebook on how to reduce CO2 emissions in Arctic science.
APECS and INTERACT launch a guidebook on how to reduce CO2 emissions in Arctic science.
APECS and INTERACT launch a guidebook on how to reduce CO2 emissions in Arctic science. The book was developed by APECS members and INTERACT station managers and it is freely available online: https:/...
Arctic PASSION Webinar: Lake ice information service for your pocket
Arctic PASSION Webinar: Lake ice information service for your pocket
Welcome to the Lake Ice Service, a tool that provides you with a variety of information on lake ice and presents them to you in an easily accessible and understandable website map tool. You will get m...